of June 1, 1986
This is BBSNUM8.LST, the eighth edition of this computer bulletin board
phone list. It includes more than 20 numbers that were not included on
list number 7. And. I have again included a few numbers that are always
busy when I call, but I have good reason to believe that they are active
bulletin boards. They are indicated by "BUSY" in the STATUS column. Also
quite a few numbers have been taken off the list because they have gone
off-line since last confirmed. (You may find that some of the others are
inactive as well. That's because I wasn't able to re-confirm the whole
list). Again, systems that have given me problems are indicated by "C??"
in the STATUS column. That usually means that a modem answers, but that
the system does not respond to keyboard input or locks up prematurely.
>>WARNING -- Since BBS systems may often disappear without
warning, any one of these numbers could be "bad" by the time
you get around to calling it. Please monitor all modem calls
so that you don't wind up bothering people in the middle of
the night with endless re-dials. Be courteous, please. <<
Most computer bulletin boards welcome ALL callers, no matter what kind
of computer they use. In fact, many systems devote most of their space
to discussions of such topics as sports, world affairs, science fiction,
technology and other subjects of general interest to most people. BUT,
you will find that some systems are extremely restricted and will not
allow access, and some systems require special non-ASCII codes or
special graphics-type modem programs to gain access. The best way to
find out is to give 'em a call. <HORST MANN>
------------------------------ -------- ------------------------- ------
George's Fido................. 227-1573 FI L 1 Ib At Cm Am Tr Cc C
Terminal Services............. 227-4838 TB * 1 Ky Cpm Ib C
Galactron..................... 232-6359 CN * 1 Cm NEW
Love At First Byte............ 233-4226 AM * 1 At C
Rue Morgue.................... 238-0220 CN * 1 Cm Am NEW
Flint Area BBS................ 238-4984 TB * 1 F $ C
Tool Box...................... 247-0094 RB * 1 Ib C
Data Exchange................. 254-5514 ? * 1 C
Program Cellar................ 254-6175 ? L 1 Ap Ib Cm Cpm Tr At C
Chess Board................... 255-2456 CN * 1 Cm Cpm C
Star Fleet.................... 258-9864 ? * 1 Cm C
Deathstar..................... 261-1968 ? * 2 Apple Express ONLY C
Where The Sidewalk Ends....... 261-4048 CN L 1 Cm 9p-7a C
Sanitarium.................... 271-1095 ? * 3 C
Melmack....................... 271-5763 PP * 1 NEW
Destiny's Dungeon............. 273-8581 ? 3 R $ Adult C
Heavenly Match ............... 273-9551 ? * Cm C
Heath Connection.............. 274-0527 PB * 2 Cpm Ib C
Highway 61.................... 274-3206 ? 1 Ap C
Crazy House................... 278-1727 ? * 2 Atari ST only C
Hobby Shop.................... 278-4858 CN * 1 Cm DD C
?Hole......................... 281-6646 CN 1 Cm C??
Promethius.................... 283-8198 ? 3 Tr C
SBBS Multi Board.............. 284-3614 ? * 1 F C
Serial Port................... 286-0145 TB * 2 $ F Ib Tr Cm Tx Mc C
Hole In Wall.................. 287-8083 ? * 1 Cm ONLY C
Station Log................... 288-3303 ? * 1 Cpm Ham Radio C??
Wiz's System.................. 288-5593 ES * 1 Ty Cc C
Chessie BBS................... 291-2160 TA * 1 Ib Ti NEW
Genesis II ................... 291-2520 TA * 2 Ib Jr Ty DD C
The Firm...................... 291-6005 ? * 1 R Cm C
AppleGram..................... 292-0389 ? * 1 Ap C
Ultimate Force................ 292-6167 ? * 1 Cm C
Games People Play............. 294-0946 TA * 2 Ib C
Mission Compatible............ 295-7308 TA * 2 Ib Ty NEW
Cat House..................... 326-1155 DV * 3 Multi-line C
Boo Bear's Den................ 332-0844 FI * 1 Ib C
Griffin....................... 332-5452 MT * 2 St Sa C
Dogbyte's Doghouse............ 334-2512 SY * 3 Cm C
Devil's Reef.................. 334-8182 ? * 1 NEW
Club II....................... 334-8877 FI * At St Tr C
Whatever...................... 335-8191 SY * 3 Cm C
Ford Commodore Club........... 336-8986 CN * 1 Cm Am C
Remote CP/M (Test)............ 345-6779 ? * 3 C
Novi Download................. 348-4479 ? * 1 Sa Am ONLY C
007's Runway.................. 348-8535 JR * 1 Ib NEW
Land of Unknown............... 363-0853 CN 1 Cm BUSY
Pirate Ship................... 363-5909 CN * 1 Cm C
The Clipboard................. 368-6882 ? * 1 At C
Nut House..................... 381-2931 TA * 2 Ib NEW
Hole In Wall Main............. 383-4996 CN * 1 Cm C
Dark Alley Main............... 386-5469 CN * 3 Cm C
Les's Place................... 391-2182 SY * 1 Cm C
Colliseum..................... 394-0152 CN * 1 Cm C
Atari Advocate................ 398-3078 BE * 1 At C
CUG RBBS...................... 398-5352 RB * 1 Ib C
USA Colossus.................. 398-7926 CO * 1 Ib At C
Zoo........................... 398-8983 CN * 1 Cm C
Wizards Castle II............. 399-1935 CN * 1 Cm C
Molins Den.................... 420-0407 AM * 1 At C
Death Trap.................... 420-4483 CN * 1 Cm C
Pirates Corner Main........... 425-0864 ? 1 Cm C
Frontline..................... 427-3408 ? L 3 Cm 2:30p-2a C
Falcon's Lair................. 429-2150 TS L 1 Cc Ty 10p-10a C
Error 130..................... 433-1088 ? * 3 C??
Walksoft II................... 435-7818 OP * 2 Ib C
CoCo BBS...................... 435-8879 ? 1 Cc NEW
Walksoft I.................... 435-9905 FI L 2 Ib 7p-8a */wk C
Dragon's Lair................. 437-5014 CN * 1 Cm C
Lyons Den..................... 437-9486 CN * 1 Cm C
ColdFog....................... 443-0365 ? * 1 $ F Os Cpm Ib C
Adventure Line................ 445-1313 ? L 1 At Ad Ap Cm Ib C
Country Peddlar............... 449-8544 ? * 1 At C
Great Lakes Collie #1......... 453-2221 CO * 1 C
Mouse Trap.................... 453-5146 RR * 1 Ap Mc C
PC County Morgue.............. 453-5603 PN 3 Ap C
Plymouth Collie............... 453-5747 CO * 1 Ib C
Monitor....................... 453-9183 TN * 1 Ap C
Crash Landing................. 455-0339 CO * 2 C
Dark Tower.................... 455-6492 CN * 1 Cm C
Good News..................... 459-8375 TB * 1 Tr Ap Cc Ib Cm C
Whiz World.................... 461-9608 CN * 1 Cm C
Villa......................... 468-4855 CN L 3 Cm 4p-6a C
Data Dumpster................. 471-4117 ? * 1 Dating C
A/R Softlaw......(New number). 474-4217 PC * 2 Ib NEW
Electric Oddysey.............. 474-5795 GB L 2 Ap 6p-7a C
Velvet Underground............ 474-9675 CN * 1 Cm C
Fly By Nite Inc............... 478-4566 CN * 1 Cm C
College Board................. 478-9647 CO * 1 Ib At St C
Dog House..................... 482-6567 CN * 1 C
Schooner Cove................. 483-0070 ? * Cpm C??
M*A*S*H....................... 483-8464 ? 1 C??
Flip Side..................... 484-1865 ? 3 F C
Washtenaw Remote.............. 484-3065 PB * 1 Cpm Ib C
Pogo Net...................... 484-3752 ? L Ib C??
The Base/Ground Zero.......... 485-2830 CN * 3 Cm C
Ypsi Tucky BBS................ 487-1911 CO * 1 Ib C
Looney Bin.................... 522-5881 CN * 1 Cm C
The Wall...................... 525-1009 FI 1 Ib C??
Voice......................... 532-8410 ? * 1 At C
Wizards Castle................ 537-3174 CN * 1 Cm C
PX Dock....................... 538-6968 ? * 1 $ Ep C
P-1 Opus II................... 542-9615 OP * 2 Ib C
Kilo Board.................... 543-5886 RB * 1 Ib Ap Cm C
MACE Superboard ST............ 543-8349 FO * 1 At St Ib C
P-1 Opus I.................... 545-1931 OP * 2 Ib C
Bunky's Board................. 546-3689 AM * 1 At C
Yogi's Cave................... 547-3797 ? * 3 Cm C
AA BBS........................ 547-4388 ? 3 Cm C??
Sector Vision................. 553-0623 TN * 1 Ap C
Atari Library................. 553-4005 ? At C??
Heath/Zenith.................. 553-4173 FI L 1 Ib Cpm Mc Ap He Ze C
D-Dial No. 1.................. 553-4373 DV * 3 Multi-user C
Diversi Dial.................. 553-4466 ? C??
Milliways FIDO................ 553-9274 FI * 2 $ F Ib Ap C
Creative Connection........... 559-9039 SS * 1 Cm At C
Scotty's Boiler Room.......... 562-4601 ? * 1 At C
Barter Town................... 565-9239 CN * 1 Cm DD C
Ariel System.................. 569-3194 OP L 1 Ib 6p-8a */wk C
Warehouse Experience.......... 569-3893 CN * 1 C
MACE West..................... 582-0657 ? * 1 At C
Peanut Gallery................ 585-3893 FI * 1 Jr Ib C
Slipped Disk.................. 585-8315 ? * 1 Ap Cm Am Ib C
Red Sector A.................. 591-1024 TN * 2 Ap C
Trooper....................... 591-1521 FO * 1 At C
UPA Main...................... 592-4064 ? * 1 C
Regency....................... 593-4953 CN * 1 Cm C
Backstage Pass................ 625-0416 CN * 1 Cm C
Steele Moon Investigations.... 625-7325 ? * 3 BUSY
Fenton TBBS................... 629-2854 TB * 1 F C
School House.................. 645-1704 TN * 1 Ap C
Birmingham RCP/M.............. 646-1565 PB * 2 Cpm C
Detroit Opus.................. 649-6213 OP * 2 Ib Ham Radio C
The Board..................... 651-2519 CN * 1 Cm C
Vehicle City PCBoard.......... 653-1139 PC * 2 Ib C
Meeting Place................. 661-0315 ? * 1 Dating C
Business Board................ 661-0726 ? * 1 $ F Ib C
Farmington Hills TBBS......... 661-3079 TB * 1 Ti Dating C
WAUG.......................... 662-3689 ? * 3 C??
Missing Void.................. 663-0524 ? * 3 Cm C
WIPCUS........................ 663-1835 RB * 2 Ib C
Stardock Island............... 675-4713 CN * 3 Cm C
Dark Side Of The Moon......... 675-6671 CN * 3 Cm C
Michigan Wing CAP............. 675-7459 ? * 1 Civil Air Patrol C
Freddy's Domain............... 676-7599 CN * 3 Cm C
Sylvan Download............... 681-8012 FI * Ib Cm Ap At Ty Tr Mc C
Enchanted Forest.............. 682-8839 ? * 1 C
Bunkie's Place................ 683-9274 TB * 1 C
Remote Access................. 685-7947 TU * 1 TurboDOS C
The Crue/22 Acacia Ave........ 687-1738 ? BUSY
Great Lakes RBBS.............. 689-3021 PH * 2 Ib NEW
Livewire...................... 689-7423 FI * 1 Ib C
Dragon's Den.................. 693-6106 CN * 1 Cm C
Ivory Tower................... 695-6207 CN * 1 Cm NEW
Goldenrod..................... 722-9160 ? 3 C??
General Store................. 728-2863 CO * 1 Ib C
Surfboard..................... 732-3049 ? 1 Cm BUSY
Damn Yankee................... 733-7479 RR * 1 Mc Ap NEW
Dial Your Match............... 736-1398 ? * 3 Sex Oriented C
Facts......................... 736-3920 ? * 1 C??
Logic Board................... 736-5937 CN * 1 Cm NEW
Checkerboard.................. 736-9348 CN * 3 C??
Uti/Com....................... 739-1193 TB * 2 Ib Ap Cm Am Jr St C
Falcon's Nest................. 742-2811 CN * 1 Cm NEW
Forgotten Realms.............. 742-4577 ? 3 C??
The Grotto.................... 742-4577 ? 1 C??
Lighthouse.................... 743-2209 AA * 1 Cm NEW
Riteway....................... 751-2509 ? L 2 At St Ap Cm Ib C
Circus of Hell................ 752-7279 CN L 3 Cm 11p-7a C
Hole In Wall IV............... 753-3155 ? * 1 C??
Tony's Corner................. 754-1131 OP * 2 Ib Ad Ap St Cpm C
MACE East..................... 754-9865 ? * 1 At C
House of Sinanju.............. 756-1195 TB L 1 Ib At Tr Ap DD C
Castle Wolfenstein............ 757-0065 ? * 1 Atari ONLY C
MCUG Anchor................... 758-5165 ? * 1 Cm Am C
Royal Oak RCPM................ 759-6569 RC * 2 Cpm C
Top Gun....................... 761-1603 CN 1 C??
Telstar....................... 762-3209 3 C??
Freedom Bord.................. 771-4126 FO * 1 At C??
Heath/Zenith E. Detroit....... 772-0417 HB L 1 He Ze Ap Mc Cpm Ib C
Kaypro-RBBS................... 772-0522 RB L 1 Cpm Ky C
Monastery..................... 772-9763 CN * 1 Cm C
Laser BBS..................... 773-6041 CO * 1 Ib Ap Cm C
Freeform Legal................ 774-7258 RB * 2 Ib Legal Tech C
Twilight Phone................ 775-1649 TN * Ap C
Harsh Reality................. 777-6472 AA * 3 Cm (1200 soon) NEW
Lightning Bolt................ 779-5385 CO * 1 Ib Cm At Ap C
Penitentiary.................. 782-2310 CN * 3 Cm DD C
Cornerstone Fido.............. 782-5133 FI * 1 Ib C
TI Port All................... 787-8284 ? * 1 Ti C
Troy Amiga.................... 828-3854 ? * 1 Am C
Dome Of Success............... 836-5860 CN L 1 Cm 11p-6a C
Night Court................... 841-9133 CN * 1 Cm C
Technical RCPM................ 846-6127 RC * 2 Cpm Ib C
PC-Exchange................... 849-0499 CO * 2 Ib Tech C
Kangaroo HQ................... 851-0435 ? * 3 Ap C
Proteus 7..................... 852-5534 ? * 1 Ib Jr Dating C
Airforce One.................. 864-6405 ? * 1 Cm C
Arthur........................ 879-2318 TA * 1 Cc Cm Ib C
Asgard........................ 879-5574 TN * 1 C
Black Hole.................... 879-7387 FI L 2 Ib C
Lakesider Data Station........ 881-7998 ? * 1 Tr Cc Cm C
Trading Post.................. 882-7104 TB * 2 Ib C
Devil Guard................... 885-5957 GN * 1 At Ap Ib C
Old Kingdom................... 885-6436 CN * 1 Cm NEW
Variety And Spice............. 885-8377 ? * 1 Dating C??
Electric Cafe................. 887-4347 ? 1 C??
Metro Detroit................. 893-7773 ? * 1 Cm Ap At Ib Am C
East Wind..................... 928-2238 CN L 1 Cm 10p-6a C
Database...................... 928-7460 CN 1 Cm C
Gateway/Commodore Zone........ 931-0941 ? Cm BUSY
Detroit Download.............. 933-1425 IN * 1 Tr Ty Cc Ib C
Penalty Box................... 939-6339 TA * 1 Ib NEW
?I Main....................... 941-5009 CN * 1 Cm C
Support Board................. 946-4821 FI * 1 Ib C
Microchip..................... 949-6745 RB * 2 Ib At Cm Cc Tr Ap C
Bullet 80..................... 952-2110 ? BUSY
Shock System.................. 968-5056 GN * 1 Ib C
Ann Arbor Infoexchange........ 971-4790 ? * 1 $ Unix C
Inanet III.................... 973-9719 FI * 2 Ib Mc Ap At Cm Am C
MCUG Anchor................... 977-3739 ? * 1 Cm C??
MACE Amis..................... 978-1685 BE * 3 At C
Arcade........................ 978-8087 ? * 1 At St C
DART Board.................... 979-0485 FI * 1 Ib Ham Radio C
Dubbs......................... 979-2633 ? * 1 F C
Video Oasis................... 979-5555 ? L 1 After 9p C
Underground ST................ 981-0970 ? * 1 At St C
Great Lakes Collie #2......... 981-5061 CO * 1 C
Future World.................. 981-6150 CN * 2 Cm Am C
Phil Larson's Fido............ 985-2030 FI * 1 Ib C
Net Meg....................... 994-3865 FI * 2 Ib De Mc C
Home of Fansi Console......... 994-3946 RB L 1 Ib C
M-Net......................... 994-6333 ? 1 Unix Multi-user C
The first CODE entry indicates the BBS software being used online:
AA=All-American AM=AMIS BE=BBS Express CO=Collie
CN=C-Net DV=DiversiDial ES=EDS Software FI=Fido
IN=Infoex-80 JR=J.R.Systems MT=MichTron OP=Opus
PP=Protree Prime RC=RCP/M RB=RBBS RR=RedRyder Host
SS=System Soft SY=System 64 TA=T.A.G. TB=TBBS
TS=TuBBS TN=T-Net TU=TurboNet ?=Not sure yet
*=24 hour operation L=Limited hours, usually only nights weekends
3=300 baud 1=1200 baud available 2=2400 baud available
$=Fee charged for higher access F=Free access is limited R=Restricted
These codes indicate the kinds of computers supported:
Ad=Adam/Coleco Am=Amiga Ap=Apple At=Atari
Cc=Color Comp. Cm=Commodore Cpm=CP/M OS De=DEC
Ep=Epson He=Heath Jr=IBM Junior Ky=Kaypro
Ib=IBM/MS-DOS Mc=Macintosh Os=Osborne Ti=Texas Instrum.
Tr=TRS-80 Ty=Tandy Tx=Timex Sa=Sanyo
St=Atari ST Ze=Zenith DD=Dungeons-Dragons type gaming
STATUS: C=Confirmed NEW=New Confirmed C??=Confirmed, but with problems
BUSY=Always busy when I call, but supposed to be active BBS
UPDATES: Watch for updates of this list from time to time. If you have
any numbers or information to contribute, please leave the information
in a PRIVATE message for HORST MANN in the General message area at Tonys
Corner, (313) 754-1131. New callers to Tony's will have to leave infor-
mation in a sign-off message to the Sysop. He'll get the information to
me, OR you can mail it to me: HORST MANN, P.O. Box 85, East Detroit, MI
48021. Thanks to all those who have helped in the past. <HM>
Copyright (C) 1987 by Horst Mann. This list may be freely distributed on
computer bulletin board systems; however, no commercial use of this list
may be made without written permission of the copyright holder.